eKoruma makes it possible for you to prevent the unauthorized publishing of your works on the internet environment from appearing in search engines, to permanently remove the content, to initiate and follow up the related processes in the use of unlicensed products.
By disregarding the copyright of the rights holders, the rights holders are harmed due to the content illegally published on the Internet (Film, TV series, music, pictures and printed publications). By monitoring your copyrights on the Internet, we ensure that these pirated publications are takedown and blocked on your behalf and generate revenue.
TV Series Copyright Protection
We follow up your series published on the Internet without permission from you. We also take fast and effective actions to prevent unauthorized broadcasts by pirates.
Movie and Motion Picture Copyright Protection
In an uncontrollable medium such as the Internet environment, your movies can be published as online pirates. eKoruma, takedown your movies published by online pirates, takes fast and effective actions and eliminates any damages that may arise.
Music Copyright Protection
We stop your video and music works from being shared and gaining from these shares without permission. In addition, we provide you with license income from your works.