You will 7/24 be provided to access about the keyword that you asked.
Monitor yourself or your brand on the entire internet instantly!
You will 7/24 be provided to access about the keyword that you asked.
We are seperating the info as positive, negative and notr. Then you are truly able to see the negative informations.
On daily,weekly or manthly basis.
As ekoruma provides, Monitoring service is to watch and follow 7/24 the keyword(s) that you asked for on Internet. Thanks to this service, you will be seen who is talking, what they do in a comment related with the keyword that is provided by you or your company.
Monitoring makes you enable to see the results from every single channel that broadcasts on the internet via key words that is set previously. In this way, you would see what people think, comment and share about your products and services. You can simultaneously monitor people’s idea about you, your products, your services and their expectations with the way how they share (Twitter,Facebook,Instagram,Forum sites, Blogs, Dictionaries, Complaint sites, New Sites, Video Sites etc.
It selects and obtains the mentioned ones from every single post that mentioned on the internet(Twitter,Facebook,Instagram,Forum sites, Blogs, Dictionaries, Complaint sites, New Sites, Video Sites etc.) via key words that is set previously.
With designated key words, it selects and catches all contents taking place on the internet channels such as twitter, facebook, instagram, forum sites, blogs, dictionary, complaint sites, news websites, video sites etc.Thanks to the results found, you can figure out which group speaks about what on which portals and filter them as positive, negative and neutral.
With a 7/24 tracking system, online tracking and reporting are done. Daily, weekly and monthly data are shared with the brand representative according to the requests of brands or customers. We are watching. We reach the contents mentioning you 7/24 through designated key words. We are analyzing. We analyze the news about you as positive, negative and neutral. We are reporting. We report daily, weekly and monthly.